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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, born as Mahesh Prasad Varma, was an influential spiritual leader who introduced Transcendental Meditation (TM) to the global stage. He gained international recognition as the guru to the Beatles and other notable figures. Maharishi’s teachings have left an enduring impact on the practice of meditation and holistic health.

Early Life and Spiritual Foundation

Birth and Education

Mahesh Prasad Varma was born on January 12, 1918, in Jabalpur, British India. Raised in a Hindu family, his early education was in physics at Allahabad University. Despite his academic pursuits, Mahesh was deeply drawn to spirituality from a young age.

Spiritual Awakening

In the early 1940s, Mahesh became a disciple of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, the Shankaracharya (spiritual leader) of Jyotir Math in the Himalayas. Under Swami Brahmananda’s guidance, Mahesh underwent rigorous spiritual training, focusing on meditation and Vedic philosophy. After Swami Brahmananda’s passing in 1953, Mahesh began his mission to spread his guru’s teachings.

The Birth of Transcendental Meditation

Developing TM

In 1955, Mahesh re-emerged as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and began teaching what he termed Transcendental Deep Meditation, later simplified to Transcendental Meditation (TM). This technique involves a simple, effortless process of silently repeating a mantra for 15-20 minutes twice a day. Maharishi emphasized that TM could be practiced by anyone regardless of age, culture, or religion.

Global Expansion

By the late 1950s, Maharishi had begun his world tours to promote TM. His teachings resonated particularly in the West, where he held lectures and training sessions across Europe and the United States. The simplicity and effectiveness of TM attracted thousands of followers, including notable scientists, artists, and intellectuals.

The Beatles and the Height of Fame

Encounter with the Beatles

In 1967, the Beatles attended Maharishi’s lecture in London. Intrigued by his teachings, they traveled to his ashram in Rishikesh, India, in 1968. This retreat marked a significant cultural moment, drawing global attention to TM and Maharishi. The Beatles, along with other celebrities like Mia Farrow and Donovan, spent several weeks practicing meditation and writing music. Many of the songs from the “White Album” were composed during this period.

Impact of the Beatles’ Association

The association with the Beatles propelled Maharishi into international stardom. However, their relationship was not without controversy. Allegations of misconduct (later retracted) led to the Beatles leaving the ashram. Despite this, Maharishi’s influence continued to grow, and TM gained widespread acceptance.

Contributions to Spiritual and Scientific Communities

Scientific Research on TM

Maharishi was a proponent of scientifically validating the benefits of TM. In the 1970s, he established the Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Here, extensive research on TM’s effects on stress, cognitive function, and overall health was conducted, garnering support from the scientific community.

Educational Initiatives

Maharishi’s vision extended to education. He founded schools and universities worldwide that integrated TM into their curricula. His goal was to create an enlightened society through education that included both modern knowledge and ancient Vedic wisdom.

Global Country of World Peace

In 2000, Maharishi introduced the concept of the Global Country of World Peace, an organization aimed at promoting world peace through TM and Vedic principles. He established a new currency, the Raam, to support this initiative, and built peace palaces and meditation centers globally.

Famous Disciples and Patrons

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teachings attracted numerous high-profile followers. Besides the Beatles, his disciples included:

  • Mia Farrow: Actress and humanitarian, who spent significant time at the Rishikesh ashram.
  • Donovan: Scottish singer-songwriter who became an advocate for TM.
  • Mike Love: Member of the Beach Boys, who has continued to promote TM.
  • Deepak Chopra: Renowned author and alternative medicine advocate, who was profoundly influenced by Maharishi’s teachings.
  • David Lynch: Acclaimed filmmaker who established the David Lynch Foundation to teach TM to at-risk populations.

Later Years and Legacy

Continued Teaching

Even as he aged, Maharishi remained active in spreading his teachings. He conducted videoconferences from his residence in Vlodrop, Netherlands, addressing thousands of TM practitioners worldwide.

Passing and Legacy

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi passed away on February 5, 2008, at the age of 90. His legacy endures through the millions of people who practice TM and the institutions he founded. His vision of a peaceful world achieved through individual enlightenment continues to inspire.


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