Rishi Valley Krishnamurti Study Centre


JFM2+8VJ, Rishi Valley School, Andhra Pradesh 517352, India



English, Hindi



Nestled in the serene and picturesque landscapes of rural Andhra Pradesh, the Krishnamurti Study Centre at Rishi Valley stands as a unique haven for those drawn to the profound teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Welcoming visitors interested in exploring Krishnamurti’s philosophical insights, the Centre offers a range of facilities for in-depth study and quiet reflection. Its well-equipped infrastructure includes a comprehensive collection of audio and video recordings of Krishnamurti’s talks, a library rich with books on philosophy and related subjects, and comfortable cottages for guests with prior reservations. The Rishi Valley Philosophical Studies Project enriches this intellectual oasis by delving into Krishnamurti’s teachings and their practical application in education. Staffed by experts in Indian Philosophy and Existentialism, and supported by dedicated Rishi Valley School teachers, the Project re-examines ancient doctrines through Krishnamurti’s insights. This scholarly endeavor deepens understanding of Indian civilisation’s ideals and their modern relevance, supporting research on practical and philosophical topics.

A Typical Day


  • Meditation (6AM): Start your day with a peaceful meditation.
  • Breakfast (8AM)
  • Study Session (9AM): Delve into Krishnamurti’s teachings. This may include listening to audio recordings, watching video lectures, or reading selected texts, followed by individual reflection.


  • Lunch (12:30 PM) 
  • Quiet Reflection (2PM): Meditate, journal, or simply rest in one of the tranquil reflection spaces around the campus.
  • Nature Walk (3PM): Go for a nature walk through the verdant Rishi Valley surroundings. Connect with nature, embodying Krishnamurti’s emphasis on environmental stewardship.
  • Bird Watching (5PM): The school houses an Institute for Bird studies and Natural history that runs a correspondence course which is well-known all over the country. Over the years, as the green cover in the valley spread the number of birds grew; the latest count reveals that there are now about 200 migrant and residents.
  • Dinner (7PM)


  • Library: Features a comprehensive collection of audio and video cassettes of Krishnamurti’s talks, and a well-stocked library with books on Krishnamurti, philosophy, and related topics, serving as a quiet place for intellectual exploration.
  • Visitor Cottages: Accommodations available for visitors who make reservations in advance, ensuring a peaceful stay on campus.
  • Quiet Reflection Spaces: Designated areas throughout the campus for personal meditation and contemplation, fostering inner peace and clarity.
  • Krishnamurti Birthplace Centre: Maintains a center at Madanapalle in the house where Krishnamurti was born, preserving his early history and legacy.
  • Rishi Valley School facilities: The campus hosts the Rishi Valley School, dedicated to drawing the philosopher J. Krishnamurti’s challenging vision of education into the daily transactions and practices of a school, it has  360 boarding students from different states of India and sixty highly qualified faculty members.
  • Rishi Valley Rural Education Centre (REC) : Consists of RIVER (Rishi Valley Institute for Educational Resources), a residential Middle School for students from the immediate neighbourhood and twelve ‘Satellite Schools’.
  • Rural Health Care Center (RHC): Medical facilities set up in July 1999, when a doctor (an old student) joined Rishi Valley with an intent of working with the rural poor.
  • Institute of Bird Studies and Natural History



