Neem Karoli Baba Ashram (Kainchi Dham)


Neem Karoli Baba Ashram, Kainchi Dham, Nainital District, Kumaon Region, Uttarakhand, India.



English, Hindi



Neem Karoli Baba Ashram, also known as Kainchi Dham, is a spiritual sanctuary located in the serene hills of the Kumaon region in Uttarakhand, India. Founded by the revered saint Neem Karoli Baba in the 1960s, the ashram is a place of pilgrimage and spiritual retreat. It attracts visitors from all over the world, including notable personalities such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Julia Roberts, who sought spiritual guidance and peace here.

A Typical Day

A typical day at the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram is structured to provide a balanced blend of spiritual practice, community activities, and personal reflection:

  • Early Morning (5:00 AM): The day begins with early morning meditation and prayer sessions, creating a calm and focused start to the day.
  • Morning (7:00 AM): Following meditation, devotees gather for aarti (a devotional ritual) and chanting, fostering a collective spiritual atmosphere.
  • Breakfast (8:00 AM): A simple and nutritious breakfast is served in the communal dining area.
  • Mid-Morning (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM): Visitors engage in seva (selfless service), helping with various tasks around the ashram, including gardening, cooking, and maintenance.
  • Lunch (12:30 PM): A wholesome vegetarian lunch is provided, encouraging a sense of community and shared purpose.
  • Afternoon (1:30 PM – 4:00 PM): Time is allotted for personal reflection, reading, and rest. Visitors can also explore the ashram’s library or take a peaceful walk in the surrounding nature.
  • Evening (4:30 PM): Another aarti session is held, followed by group meditation and chanting.
  • Dinner (7:00 PM): The evening meal is served, offering another opportunity for communal dining.
  • Night (9:00 PM): The day concludes with a final meditation session, helping visitors wind down and prepare for a restful night.


The Neem Karoli Baba Ashram provides a range of facilities to support the comfort and spiritual journey of its visitors:

  • Accommodation: Simple, clean rooms and dormitories.
  • Dining Hall: Serving vegetarian meals three times a day.
  • Meditation Hall: A quiet space for individual and group meditation sessions.
  • Library: Stocked with spiritual and religious texts.
  • Gardens: Well-maintained areas for walking and contemplation.
  • Temple: The heart of the ashram, where daily rituals and ceremonies take place.



The ashram operates on a donation basis. While there is no fixed cost for lodging and food, visitors are encouraged to contribute according to their means to support the ashram’s upkeep and services.


To maintain a serene and respectful environment, the ashram has a set of guidelines:

  • Silence: Observance of silence in designated areas, especially during meditation times.
  • Dress Code: Modest clothing is required at all times.
  • Alcohol and Smoking: Strictly prohibited on the premises.
  • Mobile Phones: Limited use is encouraged to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Seva Participation: Visitors are expected to participate in daily seva activities.

For those seeking a place of spiritual solace and community, the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram offers a unique and enriching experience, deeply rooted in the teachings and legacy of Neem Karoli Baba.